
Style Me Under There

The bra bulge and the muffin top are the two biggest mistakes that women make when dressing.  Now that you found that perfect dress what are you going to wear under there?  Almost every women needs a little help by using supportive undergarments.

Ladies, bras are essential to the upper portion of your body.  Aysha Schurman from http://www.life123.com says "If you've never had a professional bra fitting, you're doing yourself a great disservice. Many women suffer from a bad bra needlessly. By getting a professional bra fitting, you learn what your exact cup and band measurement is, as well as what styles will suit you better than others. Once you know this information, you'll never have to suffer from bad bras again." Now you know your size and the style your ready to take on your garment, but wait are you going to wear that pink lace bra under your fitted white tee?  I hope not.  There are T-shirt bras that leave you looking nice and smooth and strapless bras for your strapless evening gowns.  There's even convertible bras that you can change the straps around to a racer back, one shoulder, halter and the list goes on.  So there's no excuse for the wrong type of bra.  Depending on your cup size you can get away with paying little or no money for your bras but believe me the larger your cup size the more you will want to pay you will see the difference.  I have one personal pet peeve when it comes to bras and it is clear straps.  What's the point we can see them I would much rather you show your regular straps than to wear that shiny plastic strap. Anyways let's move on.

These are not just for plus size women it's a wear when need be movement. These items are meant to give you smooth lines to eliminate the muffin top, to create curves or remove unwanted bumps.  They come in an array of styles and some are so thin they feel invisible.  My favorite smoothing pieces are Yummie Tummie and Spanx  I feel that they deserve honorable mention because they are actually fashion pieces while smoothing your bumps and lumps.  A 2 in 1 is always a winner with me.

Thongs and Panties are a lot like bras when it comes to what styles you wear under what.  Be careful with lace under silks or lightweight fabrics they will show 99% of the time.  Some women do not like thongs, hey most thongs are uncomfortable but what I don't like to see is a nice slack with a huge panty line.  A big no no there is seamless panties Victoria Secret makes a no show hip hugger.  Try those on for size the next time.

So the next time someone asks how you keep your body looking so brand new you tell them I was “Styled Under There”

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